
European Night crawlers . UPDATED 5 / 16 / 2024

CAUTION IN BUYING THESE WORMS, "European Night crawlers."are non native worms,
Studies have shown that invasive worms (Eisenia foetida, or"European Night crawlers). Their voracious appetites and reproductive rates (Eisenia foetida, or"European Night crawlers) have been known to upset the delicate balance of the hardwood forests by consuming the leaf litter too quickly. cause natural  impact on the environment..


European Night crawlers"are non native worms,This is why we
with any non-native species, it is important not to allow them to reach the wild. Their voracious appetites and reproductive rates (especially among the red wigglers) have been known to upset the delicate balance of the hardwood forests by consuming the leaf litter too quickly. This event leaves too little leaf letter to slowly incubate the hard shelled nuts and leads to excessive erosion as well as negatively affecting the pH of the soil. So, do your best to keep them confined! 

Environmental and Economic Costs Associated with Non-Indigenous ...

Invading non-indigenous species in the United States cause major environmental damages and losses adding up to more than $138 billion per year. There are approximately 50,000 foreign species and the number is increasing. About 42% of the species on the Threatened or Endangered species lists are at risk primarily because of non-indigenous species.
In the history of the United States, approximately 50,000 non-indigenous (non-native) species are estimated to have been introduced into the United States. Introduced species, such as corn, wheat, rice, and other food crops, and cattle, poultry, and other livestock, now provide more than 98% of the U.S. food system at a value of approximately $800 billion per year (USBC 1998). Other exotic species have been introduced for landscape restoration, biological pest control, sport, pets, and food processing. Some non-indigenous species, however, have caused major economic losses in agriculture, forestry, and several other segments of the U.S. economy, in addition to harming the environment. One recent study reported approximately $97 billion in damages from 79 exotic species during the period from 1906 to 1991 (OTA 1993).


Please consider what you compost. What goes in comes out. When composting for consumption news paper, cardboard contains toxins which are carcinogens. Try to trace the origins of what to compost. Composting some manures contain wormers that are very dangerous.

CAUTION IN BUYING THESE WORMS, "European Night crawlers."are non native worms,

Use a native worm from your region.

 Hong Kong Willie Worms

Red worms Tampa. Red Worm Farm Tampa Florida.
We Sell by size of worm,which are large.  The reason why we don’t sell by thousands or use this term is because it can be confusing. To explain, a thousand grains of sand is one thing, or a pound of sand is a something else.When ordering worms by the thousand expect worm size to be smaller than a needle. Selling large worms which are like a chicken ready to lay eggs and stress less. Our Worm Farm Started in 1965. Any question call 813 770 4794 $5.50 per container of 23 adult worms.
Call Tampa 813 770 4794
12212 morris bridge road ,Tampa Florida 33637  . 
Look for us at Interstate 75 exit 266 Tampa Florida 33637  .

Red Worms Florida 

Look for us at Interstate 75 and Fletcher,  exit 266 Tampa Florida Call us at 813 770 4794

Google Hongkongwillie

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